Thursday, June 11, 2009

Wow my life sure has been crazy lately.

Ok so since monday night I've been in tri cities visiting for a few days. All the while working on my school work I just started. This whole weeks been crazy so far. I got here posted on twitter like I always do that I am in tri cities staying for a few days and might go down and see my brother in walla walla which the seeing the brother didn't work out. =( Anyway I get in a fight with one of my best friends b/c for some reason she always gets pissed everytime I go to tri cities. She'll get over it but I kno she's gonna be mad at me in a few weeks for a while too probably, because I want to save up and transfer down here I miss it so much, its so much calmer than yakima and there's so much more to do. Plus if I do me and Brandon can finally after dating him for almost a year and a half off and on only b/c we're still on a break get our own apt! I wanna be with him so bad and I kno if everyone sees how happy he makes me they should back off. But I've been hanging out with him all while working on my school work off and on. well thats all for now till I post again =)

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